Thursday, April 12, 2007


I am not often at a loss of words. I can usually can express myself adequately. This time, I know I am in trouble. It is going to be almost impossible to give you a true sense of a total joy a good teacher gets from watching the light to go on in a student’s eyes. That light that tells him the student finally understands what you have been trying to teach him. It is impossible for you to feel the warm swell of pride that makes you almost burst, as a student passes the test, you always knew he could. How can you appreciate the sheer exhaustion that makes you want to quit. The exhaustion that makes you ask, “Is this really all worth it?” Only to get your answer loud and clear, when an old student brings in his family and shows you the difference you made in his life. A good teacher is a treasure.

I have known good several good teachers since I have been in Dumaguete City. Mary Rose of Foundation High School is one of the best. She combines knowledge and skills with dedication and compassion. She is a role model that student teachers should emulate. I have seen her devote long unpaid hours to her students and their projects. When events force her to expel a student, she secretly broke down and cried. She lost one and it hurt. She cares and is truly worthy of the title, “teacher”.

If Mary Rose has a flaw it is too much dedication. She often works herself to the brink of exhaustion. She has made herself physically ill by working too hard. Mary Rose, my friend, you have a great teaching staff. Many of those teachers are just as skilled and dedicated as you are. Give them the chance to shine; to mold character and change lives. You have a good crew, let them help.

Sadly not all teachers I have met here are this good. One teacher, at a different school, augments her meager salary by overcharging her students for supplies she requires for class projects. Another teacher at a local University has students running personal errands and washing his vehicles. Still another teacher, at the same University, told his students that his course was not important to their major, so he does not teach anything. I could name names but I want to give these teachers a chance to come back to the standard and the honor of their profession. If I get more report from the students of your misconduct, I will report you to the Superintendent at Siliban High School and Doctor Malayang at Silliman University. I know Doctor Malayang personally and he is a man of impeccable integrity. He certainly would not tolerate a slacker of his faculty. As a teacher myself this conduct makes me very angry and ashamed.

There are other slackers out there abusing and cheating the students. I encourage you to read the Teacher Code of Ethics and come back from dishonor. I hope the Department Directors and high school Superintendents at all the schools, start making frequent and unannounced visits to the classrooms. The students deserve our best.

I firmly believe in the credo, “If the student fails to learn; the teacher failed to teach”. Our job as teachers is not just to impart knowledge but to motivate. We must make the student want to learn and make that learning an exciting process. I am proud to be a teacher. Today’s Everyday Heroes are all those other dedicated “Teachers” out there truly worthy of the title.

As a teacher, I went by a Teacher Code of Ethics.

- Develop and maintain a platonic professional relationship with students based upon the best

interests of those students.
- Always be a professionally and continuously seek self improvement.
- Present the best and latest information available about the subject.
- Present all subject matter from an informed and balanced viewpoint.
- Never bluff or lie. If you do not know the answer to a question, admit it. Then either research the

answer yourself and provide it to the class or assign it as a class project.
- Encourage students to think critically about significant social issues. Once a student expresses a

particular view; have the student research and present the opposite view.
- Be flexible enough to present the subject in a variety of styles suited to the learning ability of the

- Constantly promote the physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual well-being of the

- Maintain confidentiality of information about students obtained in the course of your professional

- Never physically touch the student except to prevent injury or consistent with approved

professional teaching goals and techniques.
- Show the student respect and they will respect you. Never verbally abuse a student for any

- Establish a professional, honest and respectful relationship with the student’s family.
- Involve the family or guardian in decision-making about the care and education of the student.
- Actively support policies and programs which promote equality of opportunity.
- Never falsify documents or credentials. Be truthful when making statements about qualifications

and competencies.
- Treat colleagues, associates, and students with the same respect you demand for yourself.
- Report to appropriate authorities all behavior in breach of this Ethics Code.

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