Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Pick up almost any newspaper and you will think that all the people that live here in the Philippines are corrupt, greedy and immoral. This is NOT the Philippines I know and love. It is time to stop concentrating on the small negative elements and pay tribute to the greater majority of the people who live and work in this beautiful country.

This column is dedicated to bring a new perspective to the news and honor “Everyday Heroes” that walk among us. We will not only reveal the true face of the Philippine people but also acknowledge the selfless contribution of some of our foreign guests.

The Philippine community and the expatriate community can accomplish many great things if we work together for the betterment of all. We can be more together than we ever were apart. Who is an “Everyday Hero”? I have met dozens of these heroes in the short year that I have lived here. These heroes exemplify the true nature of the Philippine people and our little community.

I have taught at several universities and schools around the world. I volunteered to work, for a short while, at a local high school. Like in my own country, the teachers were not paid enough. Many were fathers and mothers with heavy responsibilities at home. Yet all of them devoted many long unpaid hours of overtime. I saw teachers’ breakdown and cry because a student had failed. These teachers truly care about their students. This level of dedication and personal sacrifice is very rare in the world. Yet here in the Philippines it is common and most often unheralded. They are honest, hard working dedicated professionals. They are the true face of the Philippines. They are “Everyday Heroes”.

We are not here to promote any business, political agenda or organization. Our purpose here is to reveal the true beauty of the Philippines and her people. We strive to bring harmony between our host and guests for mutual advancement. If the reader knows of more quiet heroes that deserve recognition please feel free to send the information to

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